1933 - Foundation of SMIDSE (= FORGE) VANDEZANDE in Esen by Maurice Vandezande and his wife Blanche Legein.
The M.Vandezande-Legein tractors with Gardner four-, five- or six-cylinder engines, rims with rubber tyres, mudguards and a modern bonnet were almost indestructible and very popular with wage-earners.

1950 - His son Rufin Vandezande and daughter-in-law Yvonne Vandemoortele join the company and ensure a dynamic further development of the activities.
1955 - Maurice and Rufin Vandezande design and build their first Archimedes screw pump to keep the Polder landscape in Flanders dry

1973 - Vandezande's activities are experiencing successful continuous growth.

1985 - Rufin’s son Eric Vandezande joins the team and takes charge of the engineering office and will further expand the commercial side of the business.

1987 - Rufin’s younger son Chris Vandezande and daughter-in-law Martine Vannieuwenhuyze enter the company. Chris takes charge of the technical implementation of Vandezande’s workshops and will bring the installation work and commissioning of the numerous international projects to a successful conclusion in the future. Martine focuses on leading the projects, both nationally and internationally.

2002 - Move to the completely new workshops and engineering offices on the Kaaskerke industrial estate.

2005 - Foundation of the sister company Vameco, specialising in hydraulics.

2013 - Dries Vandezande, son of Chris, joins the team as a study engineer

2014 - Reorganisation of the management structure of Vandezande and Vameco, with Chris Vandezande and his wife Martine Vannieuwenhuyze taking over all the shares and the management of Vandezande and Vameco. Martine Vannieuwenhuyze takes on the financial management, Chris Vandezande continues the technical implementation management of the workshops and Dries Vandezande takes on the operational management of the engineering office and projects.

2015 - Joliende Neut, wife of Dries Vandezande, joins the team and takes on the operational management of sister company Vameco

2016 - As a result of the continuing success on the Dutch market, a branch is set up in the Netherlands under the name of Vandezande BV.

2017 - In order to further expand the technological development of the hydropower screws and fish-friendly migration systems and to further develop our commercial position in Eastern Europe, a branch is set up in Germany by the name of Vandezande Aqua TEM GmbH
2023 - The group is growing, creating a need for additional business space. The construction of a new industrial hall will start in March 2023.

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